About life in the last third

How to spend you time when you retire

Well I am not exactly retired. I have just reversed ratios.  Instead of working five days and taking off two each week (like I really got two days off back then), I take off five days and work two (well it sometimes is a bit more).  When I got to Europe or Asia for work, I use to take off a day or two to explore out of maybe ten days and now I might work one or two days out of ten days.  So the question that many ask me, is “what do you do with you time?”  I often answer “what ever I want to do” to demonstrate my freedom” but the truth is I get caught up with stuff.  Retirement it has been said is “when you start out the day with nothing to do and at the end of the day you only get half if it done”.  I am not sure I am doing even that good.  Retirement for me is when you no longer enjoy doing the things you are good at doing and you are no good at doing the things you enjoy.  But actually I am pretty good at doing some of the things I enjoy and even getting better at some other things. But I do get sucked into stuff.  Like I have spent years working on my family history.  Genealogy is a great place to spend the last third of your life (unless you get over time) especially since all the people that could really help you figure things out died before you ever asked them anything.   Digital photography is another great time sink.  And don’t forget to start a blog. Planning your own travel, paying you own bills is also good for many hours a week. Most importantly, staying fit when you are in your sixties can take up a good ten hours a week.   But now I think I may have found the ultimate time sink: Social Networks (see my early post).  I just spent hours on facebook and I bet I spend a lot more but first I have to go to Pilates and then deal with the gardener. 

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