About life in the last third / Avram's Poems

Thoughts Like Daggers

I wake up to thoughts falling like daggers onto my mind

Memories of sweeter times try to cushion the pain

Living amongst strangers maybe for the last time

The future is no longer a comfort but more a fear

What has happened to my joy and optimism

Where is the promises of peace and understanding

Now ignorance, greed and ego form a dangerous mixture

Hate has become an elixir for the righteous

Power changes places with self pity and loathing

Idiocracy is amplified in 30 second clips

Mistrust dominates and not without reason

Without trust there can be no protection

I feel pain from knowing my own role in this

But realize that such things happened in earlier times

The technology that I thought would set us free

Leaves us with without a place to hide and be

9 thoughts on “Thoughts Like Daggers

  1. Avram
    An extraordinary poem and a comment as to the state of Jewish nation.
    You expressed an exact sense of our dread and shock as to a nearly universal rise of an antisemitism.
    Sent from my iPhone


  2. Yes, I agree with every line you write…


    Future is neither a comfort nor a fear …

    It is what we make of it, one individual effort at a time

    And yes again, idiocy rules grandly in its many ways…

    With technology its willing facilitator


    What defines our actions throughout our lives

    Is nestled in our own thoughts and steadfast spirit


    • perhaps the future is what we make of it for ourselves, but I for one don’t have the power to change things for others except in a very limited way. I fear for my children and grandchildren


    • A slight but important nuance, Avram

      You infer “the future is what we make for ourselves” … I do not

      The future is made one individual effort at a time, not for ourselves but for all humanity, supported by steadfast individual spirit

      The whole point is never to back down, not now or ever and our individual role to approach that goal matters – in fact, it is decisive


      • I agree with what you’re saying, but I also believe that we all we have our own personal future. We are part of humanity, but we are also ourselves. We are unique each of us.


      • Yes of course, but what is exactly our ‘own personal future’

        My answer is in the last two lines

        “What defines our actions throughout our lives Is nestled in our own thoughts and steadfast spirit”

        This is how I resolve the risk you pinpoint …

        In so many words,

        if there is no ‘steadfast spirit’, there are no thoughts and without thoughtfulness, there is no meaningful action directing our lives and then…there just is no future but just a jumble of meaningless gestures

        What you call ‘our own personal future’ can only exist from that key starting point of ‘steadfastness’


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