AI / Technology

Augmented Awareness

While there is a great deal of focus on generative AI and in particular ChatGDP and Bard, there are many other applications of AI that will have a profound impact on our lives.  

I am in particular interested in how AI can augment our senses and our awareness.

The End of Lying

Visualize a plugin for Zoom or similar video conferencing tools that offers real-time insights into participants’ emotional states, even hinting at their truthfulness. This concept isn’t far-fetched, thanks to micro-gestures. These minute, often unconscious, facial and body movements reveal a wealth of information about emotions and intentions. Despite their subtlety, they’re crucial in decoding non-verbal cues. Micro-gestures can manifest as small changes in facial expressions or minor adjustments in body posture, conveying unspoken thoughts or feelings.

Revolutionizing Health Monitoring with AI

I have been experimenting with an iPhone app ( that tracks vital signs. It can assess heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, and even glucose levels just by analyzing my facial features over a minute. This advancement suggests a future where augmented reality devices might allow us to view others’ vital statistics in real-time. 

Voice Analysis: A Window into Emotions

Another AI frontier is emotion recognition from speech. This technology interprets emotional states from voice characteristics, such as tone, pitch, and speed. By analyzing these vocal elements, AI systems can identify emotions like joy, sadness, or anger. This has broad applications, from enhancing customer service experiences to aiding in psychological therapy. However, the challenge lies in accurately capturing the emotional nuances that differ across languages, cultures, and individual speech patterns.

AI’s has the capacity to augment human perception and give us insight into ourselves and other people.  It could profoundly effect how we interact with others.These are just three examples.  I am sure you can think of many more.

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