About life in the last third / Avram's Poems

Stiff in all the Wrong Places

Sometimes I feel like I’m stiff in all the wrong places

Parts of my body are old and parts of my body are older

Looking in the mirror, I can still see the boy that I once was

Smiling, inquisitive, and without fear, full of the future

But my signature Einstein hair grows thinner

While my eyes struggle to see and my ears to hear

I can’t play piano with out pain flooding my hands

It is not possible to sleep the night without journeys

No longer can I say that these are the good old days

Those times are long gone along with their memories.

My grandsons have become the boy I once was

Running rapidly towards the future that’s still unknown

They only know me as an old man whose life is dimming

Not able to imagine me at their age in a different time

They too will grow old and one day think back to this time

When I was the age they will have become

One thought on “Stiff in all the Wrong Places

  1. Avram,

    You are, and always will be young at heart. We all feel sadness for what we have lost, but hold onto your heart; it is your essence.


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